Friday, March 6, 2009

This blog, and myself, explained

Do I really need another distraction in this world? Does anyone?

Probably not. Though I can boast memberships on nearly a dozen web communities and social networks - and yes, even Twitter - here I am, creating a blog only now, years late to a party that may be past its apex. But I do have a reason to be here, and I hope it's one that keeps me updating it (and maybe even somebody reading it) long after other online crazes have been forgotten.

The reason is the medium itself: writing. I'm currently an amateur writer, hoping to make it professionally one day. To date, I've written a few screenplays, and I have a regular gig co-writing the all-ages comic Rabbit and Bear Paws. I have a bunch of other projects in various states of outlining/scripting/imagining - but these are all giant, complex undertakings of creativity, and sometimes I just want to write a few paragraphs reacting to something. So that means there will be occasional reviews of movies, books, comics, music; maybe random thoughts on the creative process itself. If you're lucky (and if I'm even luckier), I may even talk about my own experiences in the field.

But I want to make sure this stays a blog focused on creativity and creation; if this devolves into biweekly posts of funny YouTube videos, it becomes just another nameless echo station in the virtual landscape and I might as well stop wasting everyone's time. And, as a budding professional, I'd like to avoid burning bridges in the industry and so try to keep snark and shit-talking out of my reactions. So if you see any of that negativity starting to creep into my posts, you have my permission to virtually kick my ass!

Anyway, that's the basics explained. I hope you keep reading. And I also hope I keep posting: the blogosphere is littered with the Best of Short-Lived Intentions, which is actually something I want to discuss in my next entry. That, and the meaning behind the title of this Blog! Dramatic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got my virtual brass knuckles at the ready!